Success is sweet:

Success is sweet
The sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats


Monday, October 31st

Bench Press
10 x 3 @ 200lbs

Weighted strict pull-ups
3 x 5-6 (25lb plate; with assistance from Lucas on a couple each round)

3 x 15

I was very very happy with doing 10 sets of 3 @ 200lbs, considering last week I was only able to get I think 8 sets at 195lbs. The strict pull-ups were a good change of pace. I haven't done strict pull-ups in awhile. This is something I would like to incorporate a few time a week. The dips I slacked on, I probably could have made it to 17-18 each round. I will have to admit, I fell off of the paleo wagon, hard, this weekend. With that being said, I am done with a strict paleo diet. I am going to continue to eat well, just not as strict. It was becoming miserable, and no one wants to be miserable! I will hitting up Crossfit Terre Haute today at 4 p.m. for a METcon.

** 3 RFT **
15 sumo deadlift high pulls (95lbs)
15 wall balls (20lb ball;9.5'' target)
15 push jerk (95lbs)
15 knee to elbows
15 hang cleans (95lbs)

Time 17:08


Saturday, October 29th

** 25 min partner AMRAP **
400m run
10 overhead lunges (45lb plate)
20 release hand push-ups

Score: 15 rounds 2 reps

5000m run
Time 26:36

Saturday's are usually partner METcons. Today one partner would run 400m while the other partner did as many rounds of the lunges and push-ups as he/she can. The score is the total number of round of the push-ups and lunges you can do in 25min. The push-ups were by far the limiting factor in this workout. My shoulders were on fire. Afterwords, two of my brothers and I went on a casual 3 mile run. We have our 12 mile tough mudder coming up in about 3 weeks, so I may try and start running a little bit more. I did finally have a cheat meal yesterday on my paleo diet. I went out to eat with my parents at La Potasina, it was awesome. I'm back on it today.


Thursday, October 27th

5 push press @ 80% 1RM every minute for 10 minutes

25 air squats every minute for 10 minutes

I'm not sure if I drastically over estimated my 1RM for this workout or if my muscle endurance is very sad, but one of the two happened. I only got all 5 on TWO rounds. The other rounds I was getting 2, 3 at best. I estimated 185, that was true at one point, but maybe not so much anymore. After METcon(a), I preceded to do 25 air squats every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. I finished my squats with usually around 30 seconds left. I'd rest for the remaining 30 and start again. I think my body needs a rest day, I didn't feel it today. Tomorrow I am forcing myself to just relax and hopefully Saturday I can get back into the gym and start getting after it again. Food log to come

Breakfast: one protein shake, one banana, one black coffee
Snack: three servings some sunflower seeds, one protein shake
Lunch: two egg whites two whole eggs, three sausage patties, leftover sweet potato fries
Dinner: chicken and apples, bananas and honey
Snack: Half a cucumber


Tuesday, October 25th

Breakfast: one protein shake one banana
Snack: 10 strawberries
Lunch: four eggs five pieces of bacon one sausage patty
Snack: Sunflower seeds
Dinner: Sweet potato fries hamburger patty, green tea (questionable paleo)

5 deadlifts every minute for 10 minutes (225lbs)
15 sit-ups every minute for 10 minutes

METcon #2
200m sprint repeats w/partner for 10 minutes

Score 15.5 rounds.

I did terrible on the deadlift part today. I though my back was rounding out, so I was being a bitch and didn't do as many as I should/could on each round. The sit-ups I knocked out without a lot of difficulty. The sprints were god awful. If you are not accustomed to going at your 100% max, it will kill you...literally almost. At the half way point I was down to a trot I think. Tomorrow is my rest day finally. Still on paleo, even though I'm eating bad paleo. Bacon and hamburgers a lot lol. I'll get back to lean meats soon.


Monday, October 24th

Bench Press
8 x 3 @ 195
1 x 2 @ 195
1 x 1 @ 197.5

1 x 15
1 x 12.5
1 x 12

DB Bench
1 x 8 @ 55s
1 x 7 @ 55s
1 x 6 @ 55s

I completed two more sets at 195 this week than I did last week. The idea is to get 10 sets of 3 reps, my muscle fatigue is just getting the best of me. On the last set I did 197.5, because Lucas forgot to take the 2.5lb plate off of his side of the bench, thanks buddy! I will head back to the gym at 4 for a METcon.

**15min AMRAP**
25 hang power cleans (95lbs)
25 box jumps (24'')

Score: 5 rounds 10 reps

This AMRAP was a lot more of my lungs than I thought it would be. I thought my forearms were going to scream mercy before anything else. My quads fatigued from the box jumps, I tried to do all box jumps unbroken, I broke up 1 set of them, I think round 4. All in all, it was a good days work in the gym.

Breakfast: one protein shake, one banana
Snack: one protein shake
Lunch: two small chicken breast, half of a cucumber, one green pepper
Snack: 1 banana, black coffee, 1 protein shake
Dinner: one bacon chicken taco the shell was lettuce
Snack: one blueberry\banana Paleo muffin


Sunday, October 23rd

Front Squat
1 x 8 @ 135
1 x 5 @ 155
1 x 5 @ 185
1 x 5 @ 195 ** 5 rep PR **
1 x 3 @ 200 ** 3 rep PR **

Tabata Push-ups: 23/17/9/5/7/6/6/6
Tabata Air Squats: 19/17/16/16/15/14/13/14
Tabata L-sits: No score, but held as long as I could each

Breakfast: one protein shake
Post workout: one protein shake
Snack: one banana covered in almond butter and hazelnuts
Lunch: chicken wrapped in lettuce, 1 cucumber
Snack: 3 celery sticks with almond butter
Dinner: 2 small bacon burgers wrapped in lettuce, 1 green pepper


Saturday October 22, 2011

Breakfast: one protein shake one banana
Snack: one protein shake
Lunch: 8 ounces steak, one sweet potato, two celery sticks with almond butter
Snack: 3 celery sticks w/almond butter, 1 banana
Study coffee black
Dinner: 6oz ham steak, 2 eggs, 1 cucumber, 1 serving of carrot juice
Snack: TBD

Team "Grace"
60 clean & jerks (135/95lbs)
**rest 10 minutes**
Repeat team "Grace"

Team: Rochelle and I
Time 6:51/7:13

The first round of Grace I actually felt strong, relative to how I usually feel. I think I did 10 clean and jerks at 135 before Rochelle took over, that was more than I anticipated. Rochelle did an awesome job with 95lbs, I think we equally carried the weight in this one. The second round of Grace, was much tougher, even though it only took us 20 seconds more, I felt like it was exponetially harder! I have continued paleo today for the 6th day now. 6 days on something seems like nothing, if someone was working out for 6 days and wanted to quit, you would tell them that they had no will power. If someone quit a job after 6 days you would think that they are a slacker. I'm not kidding when I say that I'm proud that I'm still going at day 6! lol My roomates (brother & sister-in-law) tempted me with Monicals pizza today and it was rough to turn down, but I did. Tomorrow is leg day with Tony, looking forward to it.


Friday, October 21st

75 power snatch (75lbs)

Time 7:32

I felt pretty cruddy last night, but when you fall off of the horse, you have to get back on...or so I'm told. Today's workout was quite different than Fran which was nice. "Randy" was a good burn of the traps today. I will have my food updated later on today. After today, it will be 5 complete days on paleo + protein diet. I am down to 154lbs, which I'm indifferent about. I would really like to gain muscle, but if I keep getting stronger I suppose I don't care what my weight is. I have decided if I get down below 150lbs, I may have to call it quits on this! I may do some running or a strength session later on tonight. I will post if that is the case!

Breakfast: 1 protein shake
Snack: one protein shake, 3 ounces raspberries, 5 celery sticks with almond butter water, 1 tall black coffee
Lunch: a spinach salad with chicken, raspberries, hazelnuts, and a little bit of olive oil, one banana
A study coffee! (I needed it)
Dinner: 8 oz steak, baked sweet potato fries seasoned with black pepper and salt
Snack: protein shake


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Breakfast: 1 protein shake
Snack: 1 protein shake, 1 banana, 1 serving of pistachios
Lunch: three egg whites, three whole eggs, 4 ounces ham steak, Water
Snack: protein shake
Dinner: 4oz chicken breasts. 1 can of green beans, 1 serving of carrot juice

1 x 5 @ 95
1 x 5 @ 105
1 x 5 @ 115
1 x 5 @ 125
1 x 5 @ 135
1 x 5 @ 145

Thrusters (95lbs)

Time 5:54

Fran, you are a bitch. I workout that takes less than 6 minutes, had me throwing up for about 15 minutes. My PR is 4:11, but back on August 30th I did this in 7:25, so I am slowly but surely getting back into shape. Of course, in August I didn't throw up for 15 minutes after the workout. I felt absolutely terrible after this. Most of my lunch is now gone, and I have no appetite for dinner. :( I'll just have to eat more tomorrow! ha


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Breakfast: 1 protein shake 1 banana
Snack: 1 cup of spinach, 1/2 cup of pecans, 1/2 cucumber, 1 protein shake
Lunch: 5 eggs, 9 slices of bacon, 1 glass of carrot juice
Dinner: 2 small chicken breasts, one onion, one and a half cups mushrooms, one glass carrot juice
Snack: One handful almonds, one protein shake

Today is my rest day from the weights, but I am still on the food track and paleo + protein shake diet. I think I'd lose too much weight if I were to cut out protein shakes. I have no weight to lose!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Breakfast: 1 banana, 1 protein shake
Snack: half cup of pecans, 1 cup of blackberries, 1 cup baby spinach, one banana, one protein shake
Lunch: One seasoned chicken lettuce wrap, 1 cup carrot juice
Snack: one banana
Dinner: 28 grilled shrimp 3 cups corn 1 cup carrot juice
Late Snack: 1/2 cup of pecans

Find 5 rep hang clean max
1 x 5 @ 135
1 x 5 @ 155
1 x 5 @ 165
1 x 2 @ 175
1 x 2 @ 175

3000m row

Time 12:30

Exit Work
100 sit-ups *untimed*

The paleo thing is coming along. The gym is trying to go one month without any cheat meals..I find that to be a little much ha. I'm on day 2, of paleo + protein shakes. During the week I know I will be fine, but its the weekends that are going to test me! I was happy with hang cleaning 165 x 5, I am starting to feel a little more explosive. The 3000m row was terrible. My quads were on fire, as was my lower back. Tomorrow is my rest day, I may try to do a little something, but we'll see.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Bench press
6 x 3 @ 195
1 x 2.5 @ 195
3 x 3 @ 185

1 x 20
1 x 10
1 x 12

Dumbbell bench press
1 x 4 @ 65s
1 x 8 @ 55s
1 x 6 @ 55s

30 squat thrusters (95lbs)
1 mile run
30 squat thrusters (95lbs)

Time 14:44

My gym is doing a Paleo challenge so I am now keeping track of my food that I'm taking in
Breakfast: one banana, one handful sunflower seeds, one protein shake
Snack: one protein shake
Lunch: one seasoned chicken lettuce wrap, 1 cup BlackBerries, one half sliced cucumber
Snack: one banana, one protein shake
Dinner: 10 shrimp, one green pepper, one half onion, one serving of carrot juice
Snack: one fruit vegetable smoothie named green goodness, handful of sunflower seeds


Thursday, October 13th

**20 min AMRAP**
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

Score: 19 rounds

The firs 10 minutes of the workout went by pretty smoothly, and then it was down hill. My hand ripped open from the pull-ups, my muscles started failing during the push-ups, and my legs were just plain getting tired from the squats. At the half way point I think I was around 12 rounds in. The pull-ups were more of a break than anything, the push-ups had to be broken into 3 sets by the final couple of rounds, and my pace on the air squats was slowing. All in all I'm pretty happy with it. This is the first time I've done this workout, we'll see how I do again in a few months.


World Class Fitness in 100 words

•Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.
•Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics:pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstands, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast.
•Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. ROUTINE IS THE ENEMY. Keep workouts short and intense.
•Regularly learn and play new sports! - Greg Glassman

Tuesday, October 11th

3.1 mile run

Time 27:06

I did a workout yesterday as well, but it really isn't worth blogging about. My lower back was/is so tight and tender from the deadlift workout on Saturday that it made it almost a worthless workout. Got up this morning at 5:45 a.m. to get in a 5k. My back was starting to bother me towards the end but hopefully it will help loosen it up a bit. Heading to the gym later on tonight.



150 wall balls (20lb ball;10ft)

Time 11:46

Exit work

GHD sit-ups

3 x 10


Saturday, October 8th

"Union Games"
METcon #1
500m row
400m sprint

Time 3:20

METcon #2
1RM power clean
*5 min*

Score 195lbs

Deadlift (225lbs)
Box jumps (24'')

Time 5:58

This was a good way to start my Saturday. I was going into the competition today knowing these were not my strongest movements, but I am pleasantly surprised by how I did. The first workout, was intense. It was a dead sprint on the rower and transitioning into the run. I felt nauseated after it. I am not used to pushing to that level, but I did tie for 1st in the WOD. 2nd WOD I should have cleaned up 205, I just missed it, barely. If I had time to try again, I think I would have gotten it. 195lbs placed me in 3rd for that WOD. The last WOD was only the top 3 guys, both which who had 60-80lbs on me. I thought I was going to get smoked on this workout, and I did but not as bad as I thought I would have ha. 225 is not a light weight for me, I'm only 155lbs! All 3 of us guys were heading into the round of 15 about the same time. However, the bar felt incredibly heavy for me when I picked it up for the first time in the second round whoa. I just couldn't keep up the pace. I still feel good with my time and happy with the day!


Friday, October 7th

*30 burpees*
Front squat (115lbs)
Push press (115lbs)
*30 burpees*

Time 16:41

I did the morning session today, and it was apparent that I'm not accustom to doing conditioning in the a.m. I just didn't have that extra push and drive. I could have done a few more front squats each time I picked up the bar, but I became content on getting to a certain number, for example I put the bar down at 5 reps each time on the round of 15, I could have done more. I am heading off to the Fall Festival in Evansville with some friends for the day, I here there is a lot of bad food that tastes great. So long paleo...


Thursday, October 6th

30 double unders
30 box jumps
400m run

Time 16:05

For the last couple of days my entire body has been tender, to say the least. Today was a good workout for me. There was no barbell or weighted movement at all. A good cardio/accuracy workout. I do have to say that I beat one of my best friends Tony today! I had to throw that in there.


Tuesday, October 4th

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Time 25:38

2 mile jog

Talk about being stiff and sore. Going into today's workout I was sore pretty much everywhere. I did a good warm-up that helped loosen me up a little. "Angie" is kind of a bitch to be honest. My hands have ripped open from the pull-ups and my lats feel like they may come off of the bone. After the METcon I did a slow 2 mile jog, it was probably around 19 min. just to try and loosen up. After that I proceeded to jump into the pool outside and dumb ice in with me for a make-shift ice bath. Iced for about 12 minutes and then went on to do an Epsolm Salt soak. I was trying anything to break up the tightness and hopefully not be so sore tomorrow. I do feel a bit better, but still a little stiff


Fitness is Identity

Fitness is…
Identity. It is recognizable not just in an individual’s stature or beauty, but in his/her attitude and behavior as well. Take the person who gets winded on the walk from his house to his car or has to brace himself every time he sits down on the couch. He does not lead a confident life, I promise you. He will avoid activities that expose his physical limitations and withdraw from interaction with people who engage in them. Psychologically he is stunted because his mentality is always governed by what he cannot do. Instead, observe the individual who actively trains and reaches physical goals. He is buttressed by a history of overcoming obstacles, a past filled with things he once could not do but now can. This person is far more willing to take risks. He entertains ideas that push his limits and remains open to experiences a fearful person may never have considered possible. This type of confidence infects people. The first time someone does Fran, they walk a little taller. When they PR their deadlift by 20 lbs, they’re made of steel all week. If they’ve just run 5 kilometers faster than they ever have, meeting a deadline for a worrisome client isn’t so insurmountable. Everything gets easier when you believe in yourself, and that’s what fitness does. It re-shapes your identity into one of confidence and self-belief. This can easily be observed in people who go from being de-conditioned to physically active. If you’ve ever had a relative or friend that has lost a lot of weight, you’ll know what I mean. They suddenly become more outgoing, more fun, and more self-assured. They dress different, walk different, and, really, are different. It’s like they’ve become a new person. But such transformations have very little to do with gravity’s reduced strain on a person’s bones. Rather, they are the result of tangible physical successes and the psychological reinforcement such successes solicit from the outside world. Clothes fitting different, less fatigue during the course of the day, more attention from co-workers… These things add up quickly and contribute to the shaping of a new, confident identity. Now, I’m not claiming this is foolproof, or that by simply running a few miles each day every person will suddenly feel invincible. I wish it were that easy. But even doing just that is a step in the right direction. Taking control of your body gives you a foothold with which to tackle the rest, and believe me, the process is accelerative. I had a client who looked at me crooked when I told her she would have to lie down and get up 10 times in a row. Now she’s writing me emails about doing burpees and double unders on a city street corner because she was waiting for a tow truck and needed to get a workout in. My mother has gone from walking the treadmill for 45 minutes 2 days a week to doing kettlebell progressions and overhead squats without difficulty. The conversations we have now are just as often about what new ways she can challenge herself in the gym as they are about anything else. And such stories are the rule, not the exception!!! Really, this is a very logical progression. When people see themselves succeed they feel good. Naturally they want more. Slowly, they grow less inhibited and more daring in pursuit of this success. As they push their limits farther and farther they are able to accomplish more and more, thus, inevitably, they become more successful. Because this train of improvement is so rewarding, it re-molds their self image from one of limitation and self-doubt into one of confidence and potential. This, to varying degrees, colors their new identity with curiosity and determination, powerful drugs in combination.Knowing this progression to work as it does, I find it incredibly painful, almost nauseating, when I hear people say, "I'm not a gym person... it's not in my DNA... I'm not that disciplined... I'm too busy..." Really? It's not in your DNA to move properly or to feel good about yourself? Too busy to grab hold of one thing in your life so that you'll become better at all the rest? I'd hate to be so presumptuous as to conclude that you are not the only person in the world dealing with such problems. NEWSFLASH: No one is naturally a "gym person." No one is inherently disciplined. Some have simply been conditioned to become so because they have seen success and decided they want more. Get on board and find a foothold.A positive self-image is one of the most powerful effects of training, yet it is far too often misunderstood as a cause. Effort, motivation, and dedication are all learned capacities we pick up through the course of our lives in response to positive or negative outcomes. This means that everyone's past is necessarily different and has shaped their identity to this point in a decidedly unique way. This is unavoidable, but too many use it as a justification to fail, to continue to see themselves as unfit, obese, or physically unable. It's as if God had given them low self-esteem and massive insecurity and its their duty to accept it. No identity is etched in stone. No one is fundamentally anything except what they do. Remember that. - Blair Morrison

Monday, October 3rd

Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 135 (warm-up)
1 x 6 @ 185
1 x 4.5 @ 195
1 x 5 @ 185
1 x 6 @ 165
1 x 6 @ 165

1 x 18
3 x 5 PitShark weighted

Smith Pause Bench
1 x 10 @ "135"
1 x 6 @ "185"
1 x 6 @ "185"

12 min AMRAP
Buy in- 49 calories on rower
20 overhead lunges (45lb plate)
10 release hand push-ups

Score: 5 rounds 1 rep

Strength session went pretty well today. We had 5 people working in with us, Tony, Lucas, Mike, Craig, and myself, and we got it all done within an hour. The METcon started with 49 calories on the rower, which ended up being around 600m of rowing, after that you finish as many rounds as possible of the overhead lunges and release hand push-ups. The first round felt great, after that my shoulders were struggling to keep the 45lbs above my head and my legs were starting to get weak as well. This workout plus the leg workout I did yesterday, should leave me pretty sore tomorrow. I'm probably going to get a 3 mile run in later on tonight, if so I'll post my time.

METcon #2


6 handstand push-ups

12 C2B pull-ups

24 weighted lunges (35lb KBs)

Time 14:32

This second workout sucked! I didn't have a lot left in the tank for this one. The handstand push-ups were by the far the easiest part, and I think chest-to-bar pull-ups took the cake for the worst part, though the lunges came in a close second. I feel good about today, now on to the books for the night!


Sunday, October 2nd

Front Squat
1 x 8 @ 135 (warm-up)
1 x 8 @ 155
1 x 8 @ 165
1 x 6 @ 175
1 x 4 @ 185
1 x 4 @ 185

Leg Press (pause)
1 x 8 @ 4 plates
1 x 10 @ 4 plates
1 x 8 @ 4.25 plates
1 x 8 @ 4.25 plates

Pistol Squats
2 x 10 w/band assistance

I went to the gym today and did a decent leg workout. Tony and I started with front squats, which didn't feel terrible. Usually my core feels like my weak link when I'm front squating, but today it felt pretty good. After front squats we went to the leg press. At the bottom of the leg press we let the weight rest at the bottom and then attempt to power it up. Pistol squats was the last thing. I used bands to help keep my balance at the bottom of the movement. The idea is to get to the point where no bands are needed. I'm not too far from that.