Success is sweet:

Success is sweet
The sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats


Thursday, December 22nd

Tabata lateral bounds
800m run

Score: 12 bounds, 3:50 - 800m run

*For Time*
Run 1000m
100 release hand push-ups
25 power cleans (135lbs)

Time 14:43


Wednesday, December 21st

Tabata box jumps (21'') [20s of work/10 sec of rest/8 rnds]

Score 15

** 10 min AMRAP**
3 wall climbs
6 KB swings (55lbs)
3 wall climbs
9 KB swings
3 wall climbs
12 KB swings
[Score is total KB swing reps]

Score: 61 Reps

5 push press (125lb) every minute on the minute (10minutes)

My legs are dead today and we started with tabata box jumps. I did 19 jumps the 1st 4 rounds but I couldn't keep the pace. Tabata scores the lowest round you record in the 20 sec interval, 15 was mine. The 1st METcon combines my 2 least favorite movements in crossfit, KB swings and wall climbs. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself in this one. I should have gotten a lot better score, but I was just blah today. I woke up 20 minutes before I had to be there, that was a bad idea.

Monday, December 19th

6 wall climbs
12 up/downs
18 grosshoppers
* Untimed*

**5 RFT**
20 walking lunges w/45lb Kbs in each hand
200m run
20 SDHP (45lb KB)

Time 16:54

I'm writing this two days later, and my legs are still incredibly sore! The workout went pretty smoothly, but the after effects have been pretty bad ha.


Saturday, December 17th

75 air squats
50 release hand push-ups
25 burpees

Time 5:30 (roughly)

Team "Jackie"
1000m row
50 thrusters (45lbs)
30 pull-ups

Jackie, was done as a team today. There was four of us, everyone did the entire workout, but you couldn't start rowing until the person in front of you finished rowing and so on. I have no idea what my time would have been. I brought in the anchor for our team. I was happy with the warm-up, I did all 75 air squats unbroken at a pretty good pace. I still felt like crap after the workout. Celebrating the end of school has taken me 2 days to recover. I am staying away from drinking for awhile..ha


Tuesday, December 13th

** 3 RFT **
5 sumo-deadlift high pulls (45lbs)
5 air squats
5 clapping push-ups

Time 1:01

** 3 RFT **
15 KB swings (53lbs)
15 sum0-deadlift high pulls (95lbs)
15 pull-ups

Time 10:17

Todays workout was a forearm nightmare. After the workout it hurt to open my hands. The worst part of the workout is by far the SDHP. Its just an awkward movement for me. I would like to clean underneath it or something, but just pulling it up and going back down with your feet in a sumo stance...not a fan. Tomorrow will be an off day more than likely. I have two finals left and I'm done for the semester!


Monday, December 12th

walking lunges

Time 4:40

**3 RFT **
25 ceiling wall balls (20lb ball; 11 ft target roughly)
800m run
25 handstand push-ups

Time 43:35

This workout was rough. Well, it was just the handstand push-ups that just physically became almost impossible. The run and wall balls were just there, I had to take so much time resting on the handstand push-ups that its wasn't taxing on my cardio, just my shoulders. This is what your head looks like when it touches the ground 75 times. Back at it tomorrow!


Saturday, December 10th

Team METcon
- For time
50 pistol squats
100 taters (53lb KB)
150 clapping-release-hand push-ups
200 wall ball throw overs (20lb ball; 9 bar to clear)

Dan & Me 31:32

Dan is a new member of our cross fit gym. He was my partner today and I'll have to say he did fairly well. The METcon wasn't so terrible. Pistol squats are not too bad for me, I haven't done them in a while, but it was a good change. Taters just took time, not a huge problem. The push-ups took awhile. You get to a point where you physically can only do 5 push-ups in your set and then you collapse. The wall ball throws were different. There was no squatting involved, you simply just threw the ball over a 9 ft pull-up bar and you had to catch it on the other side. It tested your accuracy and shoulder stamina for sure. Tomorrow is going to be another rest day more than likely, just hitting the books for finals this week. 4 finals in 4 days and I'll be 1 year through PA school, crazy to think about.


Thursday, December 8th

5 wall climbs
30 air squats
5 wall climbs
** For Time **

Time 1:31

** 7 RFT **
7 power cleans (95lbs)
7 front squats (95lbs)
7 burpees
7 lateral jumps

Time 13:51

Today's workout was deceptively hard. You look at the number 7 and you think ah, that isn't that many reps I should be able to do most of that unbroken. If it were only so easy. Lucas has decided that all of our warm-ups from now on are going to be timed warm-ups. It does do a good job of getting me warmed up and it feels like you do a second short METcon. Tomorrow is going to be my rest day and then back at it on Saturday morning.


Wednesday, December 7th

Taters (a KB squat clean w/a flip of the KB at the top, 40lb KB)
200m run

Time 6:20

Push Press
5 reps 70% of 1 RM (125lbs)
Every minute on the minute, 10 min.

double unders

Time 9:20

I would like to start by thanking everyone who helped kick Japan's ass after they attacked Pearl Harbor 70 years ago today. Today's workout was a breath of fresh air. I wasn't completely miserable doing a workout for the first time in days. 125lbs was fairly light until about set 6, then it became a little bit of a struggle. I did get all 10 rounds with all reps completed. Next week we will be doing 75% of our 1 RM and progress upwards. I have done Annie a lot faster than this before. I missed on a few double unders on my set of 50 & 40, that could have taken some time off, and my sit-ups just weren't as fast as I need them to be, I attribute that to my fat stomach. All in all a good day.


Tuesday, December 5th

2 min AMRAP

Score: 40

3 x 10 heavy KB swings (70lbs)

20 min AMRAP
20 KB swings (70lbs)
10 burpee box jumps (25'')

Score: 6 rounds

Today, my hands got a little beat up. I was not looking forward to this WOD at all, but I got threw it. I wish I would have gotten to 7 rounds, but maybe next time. School is winding down, which is a huge plus. Once christmas break hits hopefully I can start getting more strength sessions in, or perhaps two METcons/day.


Monday, December 5th

4 min AMRAP
5 air squats
10 release hand push-ups

Score: 9 rnds 8 reps

Front Squat
2 x 10 @ 95lbs (warm-up)
1 x 8 @ 155
1 x 6 @ 185 (w/help from Lucas)
1 x 4 @ 185
1 x 2 @ 195

8min AMRAP
8 toe 2 bar
8 front squats (115lbs)

Score: 3 rounds 10 reps

I am not performing well in the gym at all. I think I can attribute this partially to my terrible terrible eating, and then again to just not being consistent in the gym. My legs have been sore for awhile now and today we had to do front squats. My legs were just done for very shortly into the METcon, my score sucked. I've got to find my motivation to push somewhere.


Saturday, December 3rd

50 hang power cleans (75lbs)
40 overhead lunges (45lb plate)
30 KB swings (70lbs)
20 wall ball squat clean (20lb; 10ft target)
10 wall climbs
500m run
10 wall climbs
20 wall ball squat clean (20lb; 10 ft target)
30 KB swings (70lbs)
40 over head lunges (45lb plate)
50 hang power cleans (75lbs)

Time: 34:00

Getting to the gym less than 4 days a week is killing me when I actually work out. I noticed that I am feeling sorry for myself a lot more during the workouts than I was when I was regularly going 5-6 days a week. I cannot mentally endure as much suck as normal. This workout was a killer on the shoulders. A 70lbs KB was a bit heavier than I am accustom to, but that wasn't the worst part of this workout. I give that honor to the wall climbs I think. I'm guessing tomorrow is another rest day. We'll see..


Thursday, December 1st

1 x 5 @ 95
1 x 5 @ 115
1 x 5 @ 135

35 medicine ball squat cleans (20lbs)
15 thrusters (95lbs)
500m run

Time 15:58

I worked up to a some what heavy set of 5 squat thrusters. 135 wasn't as heavy as I could go, I was just getting lose, and hoping to make the 95lbs in the METcon feel light. I can tell my routine has been all out of sorts. This workout should not have been that terrible, nor should I have been that slow. My back tightened up, the light weight on the med ball squat cleans is very deceptive. The weight never gets heavy, but your legs get worn down. I'm hoping to get back into the gym regularly again.