Alright, this is the beginning of my journey for the CrossFit Games 2011. I am starting from scratch. I am completely deconditioned. I have done nothing for the last 2 months. I have had wrist and hand problems, and they still persist, but I'm just tired of doing nothing. I rested in hopes that they got better, and they didn't. Now, I am just working through it. The first WOD of the journey is Fight Gone Bad.
"Fight Gone Bad" - A running clock: 1 min. of wall balls (20lbs), SDHP (75lbs), Box Jumps (21in), Push Press (75lbs), Rowing (Cal) Rest 1 min. 3 rounds
Score: 180: This is almost laughable. About 6 months ago, I scored about 290 with 95lbs on the bar. If this doesn't show what laziness does, I don't know what does. The score is embarrassing, but I am just glad to be back doing something.
P.S. I threw up in round 2.
METcon #2
100 Burpees for time
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