Success is sweet:

Success is sweet
The sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats


Saturday, July 30th

20min AMRAP
5 show hand push-ups
10 double unders
15 air squats

21 rnds 21 reps

Well as you can imagine the air squats were the limiting factor on this workout. I did this METcon by myself, it made it a little difficult to count the rounds, reps, keep an eye on the timer etc..I had to stop and write down every 5 rounds that I went through just so I wouldn't lose count. Running 6600m tonight, should be interesting.

6600m run

Time 37:38

Running 4 miles after doing over 300 air squats was a bad idea. My legs felt pretty heavy. It was a pretty slow run, I think the pace was around 9:30, but I'm just glad I got it in. Not sure what tomorrow brings yet.


Thursday, July 28th

150 burpees


I think it was 96 degrees outside today when I did this. The concrete was hot, and the air was muggy. The first 50 was done right around the 3 minute mark. My goal was to get around 12 minutes. Resting tonight then back at it again tomorrow.


Wednesday, July 27th

** 15 min AMRAP **
9 deadlift (115lbs)
12 Push Press (115lbs)
15 Box Jumps (24in)

6 rnds 18 reps

This METcon was pretty brutal. I was cringing at the thought of touching a barbbell today because my hands are a wreck, but I could hold the barbbell slightly differently so it wasn't as bad as I intended. This one had my lungs burning. The crossfit gym will be closed for the few days, we have some homework, that consists of different METcons while my friends are in Colorado doing a olympic lift seminar. Tomorrow brings 150 burpees for time. Should be interesting.

My brother convinced me to do a run with him tonight.

5000 m run

Time 26:54


Tuesday, July 26th

Hang Clean
1 x 5 @ 95
1 x 5 @ 135
1 x 4 @ 165
1 x 5 @ 165
1 x 3 @ 165

** 3RFT **
20 calories on rower
15 hang power cleans (135lbs)
20 air squats

Time 13:56

I have not hang cleaned/power cleaned in a while now. This was good, because I needed to work on this movement. However, my hands took a beating today. They're not quite blistered out, but by tomorrow I'm sure I'll see some nice ones. Resting the remainder of the night, when I say rest I mean study of course.


Monday, July 25th

21 over head squats (95lbs)

21 push-ups

200 m run

15 over head squats (95lbs)

15 push-ups

200 m run

9 over head squats (95lbs)

9 push-ups

200 m run

Time: 8:46

I was pretty stiff and sore today in my shoulders, so I wasn't to happy to see OH squats in the METcon, but it went better than I imagined. I did the first 21 unbroken, broke up the 2nd round into 3 sets and did the final set unbroken. Relaxing the rest of the night and back at it tomorrow.


Sunday, July 24th

5000m run

Time 27:04

I am becoming more and more stiff throughout the day from yesterdays events, but that is not such as bad thing. My brother motivated me enough to go running with him, so we did a 5k. The heat was substantially reduced from previous days, and attribute the faster time to the cool air. I am assuming tomorrow will be the peak of DOMs so a METcon will depend on how I feel.


Saturday, July 23rd


**15 min AMRAP**
10 burpees
15 KB swings (53lbs)
20 Wall Balls (20lbs ball; 9ft target)

184 total reps

**10 min AMRAP **
100m run w/45lb plate
Max squat thrusters (95lbs)
- Everytime you drop the bar you must run 100m, each time

44 squat thrusters

**5 min AMRAP**
50 dbl unders
40 overhead lunges (45lb plate)
30 shoulder-to-overhead (75lbs)
20 power snatch (75lbs)
10 pistol squats

127 reps


Wednesday, July 20th

Back Squat

1 x 5 @ 135
1 x 5 @ 185

1 x 5 @ 195

1 x 5 @ 205

1 x 5 @ 215


40 burpees

40 squat thrusters (95lbs)

Time: 8:35


Tuesday, July 19th

Wall balls (20lb ball; 10' target)
Box jumps (24in)

Time: 18:16

The heat/humidity made this workout exponentially harder. It was difficult to breath even at the end of the first round. This was my first time back since Friday. I had a busy weekend with my friend Byron's funeral. It was good to get back into the swing of things and get things back to normal.

*2 hour rest*

5000m run

Time 29:12


Friday, July 15th

20 min AMRAP
20 walking overhead lunges (45lb plate)
15 show hand push-ups
10 lateral box jumps (24in.)

6 rnds 15 reps

Yesterday was my birthday so I took the day off. Bad excuse, but I'm using it. I felt decent with today's workout. This workout was a lung burner. I may go running or biking tonight, but not sure.


Wednesday, July 13th

5 minutes: double unders
4 minutes: clean n jerk (95lbs)
3 minutes: lateral burpees
2 minutes: overhead squats (95lbs)
1 minute: handstand push-ups

Total reps: 367

Today I got my workout done during my lunch time, which is nice because it frees up my time at night to study. I felt good with this workout. My shoulders are still a bit weak. Last year around this time I was able to hammer out sets of 15 for overhead squats, I only completed 5 in 2 minutes. Granted some of that can be attributed to shoulder fatigue with the first 3 movements. I did 30 clean n jerks, which was better than I expected. I think I am resting (studying) the remainder of the night. Tomorrow is my birthday. I wish I had all my friends here to celebrate with. :(


Tuesday, July 12th

400m run
30 KB swings (53lbs)
4 rounds


Today a good friend of mine has passed away. Words cannot say the things going on in my head. Byron, you were a good friend with a big heart. You and I have had some great times, to say the least. I'm sadden beyond belief that you're are no longer here. "The crew" will not be the same without you. You will forever be missed. I love you.


Monday, July 11th

5000m run


The heat index was well over 100 today, therefore, I opted out of doing any type of METcon at the Crossfit gym. I did however, get a 5k run in around 9 p.m. It was still hot and extremely muggy, but I got through it. Hopefully I will be back hitting the weights tomorrow.


Saturday, July 9th

5000m run
Time: 27:41

It was extremely hot today, and my brother and I ran at 2 in the afternoon, not real sure how smart that was. Either way, I felt better after this run than I did the first, it was a little slower, but I'm ok with that. I'm taking a rest day from the weights. I did not run in the ridiculously looking running shirt, but the picture makes me laugh


Friday, July 8th

30 squat cleans (95lbs)
30 wall balls
* 3 rounds*

2 round 3 reps: 18 min.
This workout won. My lower back tightened up starting in the first round, I worked through the second round, but the third round I was just unable. This is the first WOD I was unable to complete. I'm pretty disappointed, but it happens. I may take a rest day tomorrow, who knows


Thursday, July 7th

5000 m run

Time 27:17

This is my first run of any sort of distance in who knows how long. I'm not going to lie, it sucked. Its not physically as demanding, its just the thought of having to keep running, which is boring, for a period of time. Hopefully, as I get physically stronger, I will mentally too.

Squat Thrusters
2 x 5 @ 95lbs
1 x 5 @ 115lbs (for form)

Squat Thrusters
200 m Run

Time 12:50


Wednesday, July 6th

Strict Press

2 x 5 @ 95

1 x 5 @ 115

1 x 3 @ 125

1 x 2 @ 115

Push Press

1 x 3 @ 115

1 x 3 @ 135

1 x 3 @ 145

1 x 2 @ 165

1 x 3 @ 165

7 Hand stand push-ups

10 one-arm KB snatch (53lbs KB)

13 Box jumps (24in)

* 12 min AMRAP*

3 rnds 5 reps

I was flying through this workout for the first 3 rounds. I had 5 min. left when I finished my 3 round, I knocked out 3 handstand push-ups and then I got stoned. I pushed-up about 1/2-3/4 of the way on three of four handstand push-ups but couldn't get to the top of them. My shoulders were just tired. I gave it what I had, but I'm pretty disappointed in myself. Muscle endurance is still pretty bad, but I'll keep at it!


Tuesday, July 5th

20 wall ball sit-ups (20lb ball)

20 burpees
200 m run
** 5 rounds **

Time 23:35

Today wasn't too bad on the lungs, but the shoulders were on fire. I had to take breaks to let my shoulders rest just to get enough strength behind the throws to get the ball up to the target line. Burpees are always terrible, but managable. Back at it again tomorrow.


Saturday, July 2nd

Weekend WOD - Teams (Brandy Mazzon & I)
50 burpees
Slip n Slide
30 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (95lbs men/55lbs women)
4 Attached string balls
10 Sandbag up-n-overs (5'9'' wall; 70lb bag)
*3 rounds*


Some friends and I got togther to do have a cookout and a WOD. Tony, Lucas, Larry, myself, Brandy, Theresa, Rochelle, and Laura. Everyone paired off and tackled the workout. It was a good way to spend the Saturday!