Success is sweet:

Success is sweet
The sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats


Monday, November 28th

3 rounds
1 minute front squat (135lbs)
1 minute box jumps (25'')
1 minute dead lift (135lbs)
1 minute lateral bar jumps
1 minute release hand push-ups
** Rest 1 minute between rounds **

Score: 351 reps

Well the holidays hog tied me and I have been one lazy man. I did do Tough Mudder Indiana on Saturday the 19th, but that is literally it since my last post. I have sat around and eaten myself to misery. I have done nothing but play video games and watch football. After working out today, I realized one of two things happen when you come back from a break. 1, you feel so bad that you wonder why in the world you do things like this on a normal basis and question ever working out again or 2, you are mad at yourself for taking a break, and tell yourself if you hadn't then you wouldn't feel so bad. I'm at number 2, but was leaning towards the first scenario half way through this workout. I did not feel good at all. Most of my reps were either box jumps, lateral jumps, or push-ups. The barbell movements were just awful. Back at it tomorrow. Hopefully I get back into a routine and start to feel good again!


Wednesday, November 16th

155lb power cleans
Handstand pushups

Time 21:00


Tuesday, November 15th

Front Squat
1 x 5 @ 155
1 x 5 @ 175
1 x 5 @ 185
1 x 3 @ 200

500m row sprint
Time 1:37

Today was basically what I wanted to stay away from this week, heavy legs. However, I would rather do this on Tuesday than Thursday. I will have almost 5 full days to recover and be ready to run 12 muddy miles on Saturday. 500m sprints are terrible. They always make you feel a little nauseated and beat up.


Monday, November 14th

** 15 min AMRAP **
15 double unders
15 box jumps (25'')
15 burpees

Score: 7 rounds 15 reps

I started way way too fast on this workout. By round 3 I was gassed. I did most of my double unders and box jumps unbroken, but I was literally crawling on my burpees. I was hoping to get around 8 rounds, I didn't quite make it there, but there wasn't a whole lot more I could do in this workout. Counting down the days until Tough Mudder Indiana 2011. 6 days and counting. I want to stay away from any heavy legs this week, running 12 miles is going to be hard enough, let alone having sore legs.


Saturday, November 12th

METcon - Team Chipper
Row 300m
125 shoulder-to-overhead (95lbs)
100 up-in-overs (25in box)
125 KB swings (53lbs)
100 air squats
125 wall balls
100 sit-ups
125 lunges
100 "2 for 1" burpees

Andy and I: 39:14

This workout was a long drawn out workout. Crossfit workout don't usually last more than 30 minutes so this was a nice change of pace. The worst part of this workout was by far the KB swings and wall balls. Everything else wasn't terrible. I'm glad I went to the gym, a good way to start my Saturday. Taking a rest day tomorrow.


Friday, November 11th

** 3 RFT **
Run 400m
21 KB swings (53lbs)
12 pull-ups

Time 10:06

I did Helen back at the beginning of August in 11:50. I almost and should have broke the 10 minute mark this time. I am happy with taking almost 2 minutes off of my time in a little over 3 months. I am heading back to the gym in the morning to start my Saturday off right. Sunday will be my rest day, and I'm more than ready for it to get here. Tough Mudder is right at a week away now. I'm just hoping the weather gets a little warmer out or its going to be a long race!


Thursday, November 10th

** 5 RFT **
5 wall climbs
20 burpees

Time: 13:52

Bobby, a fellow crossfitter at Crossfit Terre Haute is leaving for basic training and his last day at the gym was today, so this was his Hero workout, it sucked. The shoulder burn was definitely the worst part about this. I'm glad this workout is done, it was one that I was not looking forward to. We shall see what tomorrow brings, getting to the gym early in the a.m.


Tuesday, November 8th

1 deadlift at 285lbs every minute for 10 minutes

4 wall climbs every minute for 10 minutes

The last round of the wall climbs you were to do as many as you could, I only made it to 5. My shoulders were on fire and my head was killing me from inverting so many times. The 285 felt pretty good. I was really trying to concentrate on my lumbar curve, making a conscious effort to not allow my back to round out. Tomorrow night I won't be getting into the gym until around 7 p.m., but I will get something in regardless.


Monday, November 7th

** 3 RFT **
30 wall balls (20lbs ball; 10ft target)
30 clean n jerk (75lbs)

Time 19:17

This workout sucked! I though my shoulders were going to fall off. It went from pressing to...pressing. My lower back became extremely tight too! My lungs were not really a factor because I would have to rest from the muscle fatigue before I became out of breath. I'm glad I got this workout done early today so I can hit the books tonight without having to worry about getting to the gym. Back on top of a decent diet today, we'll see how long that lasts!


Sunday, November 6th

Bench Press
10 x 3 @ 185

1 x 20
1 x 13
1 x 10

3 x failure

I am unable to get in my strength session with Lucas because of class tomorrow so I went with my brother tonight to get it out of the way. I was suppose to bring the weight down on the sets of ten and minimize rest in between sets. 185 went up easy today, which is a good sign. Next week I'll be jumping up to 205 for 10 sets of 3. Tomorrow I will be heading to the crossfit gym at some point. Hopefully it will be a good week of training, and getting back onto a healthy diet.


Saturday, November 5th

** 10 RFT w/partner **
5 burpees
10 thrusters (95lbs)
200m run

Me & Larry: 19:45

A good way to start the weekend. Larry and I were teamed up today for this little doozy. It wasn't so bad with a partner, getting to rest every other round. I was able to get all of my thrusters unbroken. I should have ran a bit faster on my runs, but it was still a pretty good WOD. My diet has fallen so far from were it needs to be this last week it isn't funny. I am getting back onto paleo starting Monday. I obviously cannot just have a snack here and there, it is quite pathetic.


Thursday, November 3rd

3 push press every minute for 10 minutes at 155lbs

20 box jumps every minute for 10 minutes

Today was a relatively easy day in the gym. Probably won't make it to the gym tomorrow. Having to head to Indy and more than likely will not make it back in time to attend class. I will try to make something up myself at home.


Tuesday, November 1st

3 DL every min for 10min (235lbs)
30 reps of 235lbs

METcon #2
20KB swings (53lbs) every min for 10min
Score: 13

On the first couple of sets I got 20 reps but after that it was a steady decline. I ended up with my lowest round at about 13 KB swings. Tomorrow is a busy day but I will try to get into the gym. And of course it is the start of Movember!