3 rounds
1 minute front squat (135lbs)
1 minute box jumps (25'')
1 minute dead lift (135lbs)
1 minute lateral bar jumps
1 minute release hand push-ups
** Rest 1 minute between rounds **
Score: 351 reps
Well the holidays hog tied me and I have been one lazy man. I did do Tough Mudder Indiana on Saturday the 19th, but that is literally it since my last post. I have sat around and eaten myself to misery. I have done nothing but play video games and watch football. After working out today, I realized one of two things happen when you come back from a break. 1, you feel so bad that you wonder why in the world you do things like this on a normal basis and question ever working out again or 2, you are mad at yourself for taking a break, and tell yourself if you hadn't then you wouldn't feel so bad. I'm at number 2, but was leaning towards the first scenario half way through this workout. I did not feel good at all. Most of my reps were either box jumps, lateral jumps, or push-ups. The barbell movements were just awful. Back at it tomorrow. Hopefully I get back into a routine and start to feel good again!