Success is sweet:

Success is sweet
The sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats


Saturday, December 10th

Team METcon
- For time
50 pistol squats
100 taters (53lb KB)
150 clapping-release-hand push-ups
200 wall ball throw overs (20lb ball; 9 bar to clear)

Dan & Me 31:32

Dan is a new member of our cross fit gym. He was my partner today and I'll have to say he did fairly well. The METcon wasn't so terrible. Pistol squats are not too bad for me, I haven't done them in a while, but it was a good change. Taters just took time, not a huge problem. The push-ups took awhile. You get to a point where you physically can only do 5 push-ups in your set and then you collapse. The wall ball throws were different. There was no squatting involved, you simply just threw the ball over a 9 ft pull-up bar and you had to catch it on the other side. It tested your accuracy and shoulder stamina for sure. Tomorrow is going to be another rest day more than likely, just hitting the books for finals this week. 4 finals in 4 days and I'll be 1 year through PA school, crazy to think about.

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