Success is sweet:

Success is sweet
The sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats


Friday, September 30th

*3 rounds*
Max unbroken Box Jumps (24'')
Max double unders
Max KB swings (53lbs)

Score - Rd 1: Jumps 53, DBL 57, KB 17
Rd 2: Jumps 50, DBL 60, KB 15
Rd 3: Jumps 30, DBL, 0, KB 20
Total Score: 292

Today's workout was a bit different. Accuracy (one of the 10 aspects of fitness) was a main character in the workout. This workout is designed that if you mess up, the round is over. Pausing at the bottom of the box jump, messing up a double under, or putting the KB down ends the round. This was frustrating to a lot of people because they'd mess up their box jumps by coming off the box wrong to where they can't just jump back up, so their round would end. I only ran into this problem on the last set of double unders. I messed up on my first double under, therefore, I get a score of 0 for that round. Frustrating. My score could have been a lot better but I started to feel sorry for myself on the KB swings. I was winded and just put it down early. I could have probably gutted out a few more if not 5 each round.


Thursday, September 29th

3.1 miles

Time 26:41

My brother and I got up this morning at a quarter till 6 and ran in the pitch dark. It was a little rough getting out of bed, but after that it felt pretty good. I did the morning run on Tuesday, but never got back to the gym. I forgot I had to play single dad to two kids, so I had to stay home and take care of them. I do plan on getting to the gym tonight as well.


1 x 5 @ 95 (warm-up)

1 x 4 @ 185 (warm-up)

1 x 3 @ 215 (warm-up)

1 x 1 @ 275

1 x 1 @ 305


200yd burpee broad jump

Time 7:52

This may have been one of the worst workouts in awhile. For 200 yards you have to do a burpee and then broad jump as far as you can, then back down for another burpee and broad jump. 200 yards isn't a long distance at all, but when you have to drop down and do a burpee and a standing broad jump it takes awhile. This burnt the lungs pretty good. I'm not happy with how much I'm deadlifting now, again, a lot weaker than I have been in the past. I'm hoping I can get more strength sessions in to get my strength back up.

Wednesday, September 28th

Molly's B-day WOD
23 Thrusters (155lbs)
* 5 box jumps (28'') on the start of every minute*

Time 10:22 (155lbs/135lbs)

Well this was terrible. I completed 11 reps at 155lbs, and then I had a few reps where I could not lock my arms out at the top. That pissed me off, because I couldn't count them. I had to drop the weight down to 135lbs, where I finished out the last 12. The box jumps were more of an inconvenience than anything. 28'' is not the high for me, but I had to go the box every time the clock got to the top of each minute. This workout was also started with box jumps, not thrusters.


Tuesday, September 27th

A.M. workout

2 mile run - 17:20
100 sit-ups

I was up fairly late studying last night, so when my alarm went off at 5:45 this morning I was feeling rough. I did get up though and run a few miles at a casual pace and then an untimed set of 100 sit-ups. I will head to the crossfit gym tonight for another workout.


Monday, September 26th

1 x 8 @ 135 (warm-up)
1 x 5 @ 185 (warm-up)
1 x 2 @ 235
1 x 2 @ 245
1 x 2 @ 255
1 x 2 @ 265

15min AMRAP
9 box jumps (24in)
24 wall balls (20lb; 10')
66 KB swings (53lbs)

Score 2rnds + 48reps

The deadlifts were more for form this morning. They were heavy for me, but I was concentrating on keeping a good lumbar curve. I need to start deadlifting for strength a lot more, I can tell I am getting weaker. The METcon today was a forearm burner. Wall balls and KB swings are some of my least favorite moves. The more I do them though, the better I become, in theory anyways.


Wednesday, September 21st

** 2RFT **
750m row
50 KB swings (53lbs)

Time 13:03

METcon #2
** 5RFT **
5 handstand push-ups
5 wall climbs
200m run

Time 14:01

Today was a long day to say the least, and the week is not going to go by any quicker. Today I got in 2 workouts, not necessarily my idea, but I'm glad I did them now that I'm done. The first METcon combined two of my least favorite movements. The second METcon I did was a pretty bad muscle burn. My body feels pretty beaten down, I think I'm taking tomorrow off and use it as my rest day. Friday I will get back into it again.


Tuesday, September 20th

Strict Press
1 x 10 @ 75 (warm-up)
1 x 5 @ 85 (warm-up)
1 x 3 @ 95
1 x 3 @ 115
1 x 2 @ 125
1 x 1 @ 125
1 x 3 @ 115

10min AMRAP
10 box jumps (24'')
10 burpees

Score 10 rounds + 6 reps

I am still having problems with my strength. Strict press is suppose to a lift that gets heavy without a lot of weight, but I am disappointed with 115lbs. I almost got 125, but I did have it in me. The METcon was a lung burner. Box jumps don't take a whole lot of time for me to do, especially only ten, but you combine that with 10 burpees and only ten minutes to do as much as you can, it turns in to a lot of suck. Sam and I are going to attempt a 6:30a.m. strength session at Union Hospital. Legs will probably be on tap.


Sunday, September 18th

One of crossfit's variables is sport, which is what I did today. I didn't learn a new sport, but I played 90 minutes of full court basketball. It was nice because I didn't really get off of the couch today, it was of course..


Friday, September 16th

20 air squats
10 pull-ups
**3 rounds; untimed**

35 double unders
200m run

Time 6:58

I did my first 3 sets of double unders unbroken, and felt really good. After that I started to mess up a few times on the 4th and 5th rounds. Tony beat me by 8 seconds, which is really disappointing because if I usually never have a chance of beating him in a workout. This day was pretty nice with no real lifting in it. I'm doing the Autism Walk tomorrow so I will not be crossfitting, but I have a good excuse. I may try to make something up on my own and attack if, we'll see.

Thursday, September 16th

** 3 rounds **
2 min wall balls
1 min box dips
2 min release hand push-ups
* score is total reps *

Score 222 reps

3 max L-sits
18, 16, 14 seconds

This workout tested my muscle endurance to the max. My lungs weren't effected as much as my muscles were. I physically could not do anymore push-ups or dips. I don't know if I'm allowed to blame my embarrassing L-sits on the fact that I did them right after my workout, but that is pretty bad. I am writing this one day late, so I can tell you that my chest is pretty sore from this workout. It was a day that didn't have as much suck in it as others..


Tuesday, September 13th

Front Squat
1 x 10 @ 95lbs (warm-up)
1 x 5 @ 145lbs (warm-up)
1 x 1 @ 185lbs
1 x 1 @ 195lbs
1 x 1 @ 205lbs

Back Squat
1 x 1 @ 205
1 x 1 @ 235

30 burpee box jumps

Time 1:48

Today wasn't a bad day at all. It is a little disappointing knowing how much strength I've lost. I am going to start running again starting on Thursday. I am wanting/planning on starting an ab routine maybe 3 times a week. Hopefully this will help strengthen my core, which will in turn increase my power on all of the olympic lifts (dead lift, power clean, snatch, etc..). Not sure if I will get in anything tomorrow, I have a full day on my plate with school and mentoring so we'll see!


Monday, September 12th

In honor of 9-11-01
2001m row
11 deadlifts (115lbs)
11 hang power clean (115lbs)
11 push press (115lbs)
11 back squat (115lbs)
11 air squats
11 push-ups
11 burpees
11 toe-2-bar
11 wall ball

Time 16:58

Today was 9 different movements at 11 reps a piece, with a 2001m row to begin with. As with everyone else in America, I remember where I was on 9-11-01 like it was yesterday. Even as young as I was, being a sophmore in high school, and not realizing the magnitude of the event at the time, it still rings clear in my head. The older I get the more I realize the significance of the events that happened on this day. As hard as my outer shell is, the thought of this day breaks through and hangs heavy on my heart.


Wednesday, September 7th

"Air Force WOD"
20 squat thrusters
20 push press
20 over-head squats
20 front squats
*4 burpees every minute*
** 95lbs on all movements **

Score 20:00min time capped, 7 front squats

This workout doesn't look as bad as it is. You start the workout by doing 4 burpees, then on to your first movement, squat thrusters. You do as many as you can until the clock hits 1 minute, then you must stop and do another 4 burpees. Once 4 burpees are completed you start where you left off on the current movement. For example, if you get through 13 thrusters, clock hits 1 minute, you stop do burpees, and when you finish you start thrusters at rep 14. When you get to twenty you move on to the next movement. I was doing well for the majority of movements. I finished over-head squats with about 12 minutes on the clock. Then I hit a wall. My core couldn't stabalize my upper body during the front squats. I would lose the weight at the bottom of my squat because I was falling forward. The time cap was twenty minutes, at the time I had 7 front squats completed. I am completely disappointed with my workout today. Tomorrow brings my rest day, thank goodness! It is needed.


Tuesday, September 6th

1 mile run for time

Time 7:00

20 KB snatches (53lbs)
30 KB front squats (53lbs)
40 KB SDHP (53lbs)
50 KB push press (53lbs)
60 KB swings (53lbs)

Time 12:08

My body was pretty sore before the workout started. My lower back has been tight ever since I finished Labor Day's workout. After I saw today's WOD I knew it wasn't going to get any better. The 1 mile run really tightened up my lower back. My lungs felt great. I finished a mile in 7:00 and I wasn't short of breath, that is a pretty good sign, for me anyways. I finished the workout and I'm stiff everywhere. Therefore, for the first time tonight I am taking a Epsom salt bath. It is the best way for the body to absorb magnesium, which is a vital nutrient, and it suppose to help loosen up your muscles. I feel a little like a girl for taking a bath, but I here it works lol. Study and relaxing the rest of the night.


Saturday, September 3rd

** 20min AMRAP **
30 box jumps (24'')
20 push press (115lbs)
30 pull-ups

Time 3 rnds 41 reps

I realized I forgot to post Saturday's workout, but better late than never. This workout was pretty nasty. I was swetting head to toe! There were a few new guys in there today, one of them were in my heat, he pushed me to my max. My back is pretty sore, along with everything else on my body.

Monday, September 5th

** 5RFT **
800m run
30 KB swings (55lbs)
30 KB high pulls (55lbs)

Time 41:40

Well this labor day started off on a good foot. This workout was tough. My lower back stiffened up after the first round which made me run a lot slower than I wanted to. I also had to break up the swings and high pulls into more sets than what I would have liked. Regardless, I finished the workout and did what I could. I took yesterday off from working out and it was the first day off of my diet. I indulged in a little pizza, soda, and mac & cheese. It was all tasty, but today back to chicken, bananas, carrots, and the rest of all the tasteless things ha. Back to class and the crossfit gym tomorrow.


Friday, September 2nd

1000m row sprint
Time 3:40

Push Press
1 x 3 @ 115 (warm-up)
1 x 3 @ 135 (warm-up)
5 x 3 @ 165

Strict Pull-ups
1 x 5
1 x 3 w/25lb KB
1 x 2 w/25lb KB
1 x 5 w/10lb plate
1 x 5 w/10lb plate

800m sprint
Time 3:00

Today started roughly with the 1000m row as fast as I could. My legs were not ready for that intensity. I felt a little nauseated after it lol. Push press felt heavy, but I was happy I finished all 5 sets with 165. I attempted to do pull-ups with 25lb KB, but it was too heavy I was only getting a few each time. The idea was to do 5x5 of strict pull-ups. 10lb plate was about right. I may have been able to get 15lb plate, but maybe next time. The 800m sprint was about as fast as I could go. Tony and Leon both pushed me big time, more so than I expected from them, only because they are 50-70lbs heavier than me. All in all a good day. Hopefully, I will make it to the gym in the a.m. for a workout!