Success is sweet:

Success is sweet
The sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats


Wednesday, September 7th

"Air Force WOD"
20 squat thrusters
20 push press
20 over-head squats
20 front squats
*4 burpees every minute*
** 95lbs on all movements **

Score 20:00min time capped, 7 front squats

This workout doesn't look as bad as it is. You start the workout by doing 4 burpees, then on to your first movement, squat thrusters. You do as many as you can until the clock hits 1 minute, then you must stop and do another 4 burpees. Once 4 burpees are completed you start where you left off on the current movement. For example, if you get through 13 thrusters, clock hits 1 minute, you stop do burpees, and when you finish you start thrusters at rep 14. When you get to twenty you move on to the next movement. I was doing well for the majority of movements. I finished over-head squats with about 12 minutes on the clock. Then I hit a wall. My core couldn't stabalize my upper body during the front squats. I would lose the weight at the bottom of my squat because I was falling forward. The time cap was twenty minutes, at the time I had 7 front squats completed. I am completely disappointed with my workout today. Tomorrow brings my rest day, thank goodness! It is needed.

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