Bench Press
10 x 3 @ 200lbs
Weighted strict pull-ups
3 x 5-6 (25lb plate; with assistance from Lucas on a couple each round)
3 x 15
I was very very happy with doing 10 sets of 3 @ 200lbs, considering last week I was only able to get I think 8 sets at 195lbs. The strict pull-ups were a good change of pace. I haven't done strict pull-ups in awhile. This is something I would like to incorporate a few time a week. The dips I slacked on, I probably could have made it to 17-18 each round. I will have to admit, I fell off of the paleo wagon, hard, this weekend. With that being said, I am done with a strict paleo diet. I am going to continue to eat well, just not as strict. It was becoming miserable, and no one wants to be miserable! I will hitting up Crossfit Terre Haute today at 4 p.m. for a METcon.
** 3 RFT **
15 sumo deadlift high pulls (95lbs)
15 wall balls (20lb ball;9.5'' target)
15 push jerk (95lbs)
15 knee to elbows
15 hang cleans (95lbs)
Time 17:08
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